Memories of the Old Transbay Terminal

The website of the new Transbay Transit Center is calling for submission of memories of the old Transbay Terminal. MHG, over the last four years, has accumulated many and agreed to submit a memory for old times sake. Here is what we said:

Good morning,

Every day, when I entered the old Transbay building through its South entrance, I had to step over a puddle of urine (yes, urine!). Some days there was a "wet floor" sign that a worker had lazily placed next to the puddle (not mopped up). Most days, it was just there. Every day, I thought to myself - "Taxpaying citizens of the developed world deserve better". Here's a formal request - take pride in the new building and make sure that employees, tenants, visitors, and the general public do the same. Please let this memory die with the disgrace that was the old Transbay building.

Thank you,


Submit your own memory to Learn about the new terminal here:


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